About Us
While surfing Etsy in 2016, we discovered that there were multiple shops with themed candles that referenced books, pop culture, fandoms, and more, but there were super few anime themed candles to choose from! As a lover of anime, we felt that there was a void that needed to be filled. From that thought, Otaku Scents was born. With a modest collection of four original scents, we took the unique home fragrance market by storm, eventually growing to providing over 150+ unique scents for anime and video game characters.
In late 2017, Otaku Scents decided to try anime conventions to see how well the product sold to the general otaku public. Pairing up with the artist Eggtartbunny, Otaku Scents tabled for the first time at Anime North Texas. It was a huge success, and it opened a new avenue to let people "try before they buy". Otaku Scents now travels across Texas and the U.S. to anime conventions of all sizes, with an ever growing selection of scents!
Otaku Scents is rapidly growing, and it is all thanks to our customers and loyal supporters. The otaku community is super strong and has always encouraged us to get better and better! We are dedicated to bringing you the highest quality anime and video game inspired scented products. Feel free to reach out to us through our contact page if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, or comments!